PICO 7 dressing has been shown to be capable of managing low to moderate exudate, and deliver nominal -80mmHg therapeutic negative pressure in large wounds of depths upto 4.5cm when used with an appropriate NPWT filler.
PICO can be used with or without fillers A full assessment of the wound is recommended before considering whether it is appropriate to use a wound filler or to apply the PICO dressing directly to the wound. If the wound depth is under 2cm the PICO dressing can be applied directly to the wound without the need for a filler. Depth – wounds greater than 0.5cm (1/4in) in depth are likely to require a filler to ensure adequate treatment of all the wound surfaces
Wounds types under 2cm that the use of a filler would be appropriate:
- The wound bed is uneven
- There is undermining
- The wound is a sinus