For anatomies big and small, our line of epistaxis products accommodates patients’ individual needs by offering anterior and posterior options in a range of sizes.
Epistaxis products incorporate RAPID RHINO
? technology, a proprietary blend of CarboxyMethyl Cellulose (CMC). This CMC-infused fabric contains self-lubricating properties that when wet take on a gel consistency for ease of insertion and removal. The ultra-low profile of our epistaxis solutions quickly conforms to anatomy, and provides a gentle, even compression to the nasal area.
- Quickly conforms to nasal anatomy
- Provides gentle and even compression to areas of epistaxis
- CMC-infused fabric is designed to prevent adherence to tissue or blood clots upon removal
- Available in a wide range of sizes
A comparison between our epistaxis solutions with RAPID RHINO technology and Rhino Rocket™
1 for the treatment of epistaxis in an emergency department reveals products utilizing RAPID RHINO technology provide greater patient comfort at insertion and removal.